.TKM Alliance AG               The Target Key Management Corporation
Biotech, Life Science, Healthcare Microbiology, instant test systems for hospitals, clinics and technology. There is excellence in genomics, transcriptomics, epigenetics, and bioinformatics, high-resolution gene expression analysis and a lot of expertise in this area. Cancer: research, diagnosis and stratification for individualized therapy Präzisisons Every cancer is unique: It has developed its own genetic program to the natural defense mechanisms, e.g. Apoptosis, to escape. The individual genetic program of the tumor is caused by mutations and epigenetic changes as by methylation. It manifests itself in a changing Expresssion of genes and miRNAs. High-resolution techniques make it possible to present this program to the genomic, epigenetic and transcriptional level comprehensively. Commodities In the commodity sector headlines caused by record profits and takeover battles. But despite the general hubbub many commodity stocks are rated low e.g. the price of the certificate on rare earth is going through the roof. We do not rely only on the rise in commodity prices, we will achieve a projected profit by the specific scenario and the possibility of participation and financing. Energy The withdrawal from nuclear energy is decided to invest in new energy inevitable. Climate change, environmental protection, CO2 reduction themes such as alternative energy sources and energy efficiency are an indispensable part of the public debate. The investment industry for some time already follows this trend. Energy demand will not be satisfied with the power supply in its traditional form. Performance drivers include the announcements of Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Mexico and India to invest in renewable energy and to take measures to promote energy efficiency. Companies that are active in the areas of energy efficiency and alternative energies will be target of Investments. Water How to become  successful with water, writes the author Astrid Lipsky. Because resources are limited, a market worth billions has evolved around the water. Of this, private investors can benefit. Eric Heymann, author of the study "World water markets" of German Bank Research, estimates the investment needed worldwide to 400 to 500 billion euros per year. Manufacturers of water technologies such as pumps, filters, compressors, valves, sewage and desalination he predicts in the coming decades, an "enormous sales potential." We want i.a. directly invest in the utilities (including water treatment) and industry (water technology, environmental services, waste management). Media Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, etc, also telephone, fax, and internet. Media technology has made communicating increasingly easier as time has passed throughout history. Today, children are encouraged to use media tools in school and are expected to have a general understanding of the various technologies available. The internet is arguably one of the most effective tools in media for communication. With our global experience and our specific expertise, we make Investments in innovative companies in an early stage. which gives us a high return on investment.  
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